Visualize your work
in a new way
With platform, everything is updated in real time and everyone is on the same page.
Trusted by 1,000,000+ people worldwide
Use the new platform to bring teams, tasks and tools together
Humans are visual animals -- Humans can process visual images 60,000 times faster than text. Images are the easiest thing to remember in our brains and are essential to our learning. Due to human nature, what we see has a profound effect on our work and our feelings.
The new platform can protect your data integrity
The data integrity of the new platform can manage people's accountability and keep people honest. Weak data integrity protection nourishes sloppy and corrupt behaviors and weakens your judgment and management capabilities, which in turn tremendously affect the competitiveness of your business.
All it takes are boards, lists, and cards to manage.
boards keep tasks organized and work moving forward. In a glance, see everything from “things to do” to “aww yeah, we did it!
The different stages of a task. Start as simple as To Do, Doing or Done—or build a workflow custom fit to your team’s needs. There’s no wrong way to .
Cards represent tasks and ideas and hold all the information to get the job done. As you make progress, move cards across lists to show their status.
Workflows for any project,big or small
Simplicity and speed are key
Powerful reach & massive conversion
Realize demand-driven inventory
Eliniate wastes in production
Improve R&D capabilities
Manage activities & control completion
Manage long cycle of new drug
New Car Creation
Embrace effective communication
Requirements Capture
Use user stories
Banking System
Fast development
Business PMO
Supervising business projects
Product Development
Deal with changing requirements
Visualization increases accountability, transparency, and collaboration across teams
Streamline management. Boost productivity. Grow confidently.
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