8Manage New Way Kanban provides simplicity and speed.
Simplicity and speed are key
8Manage New Way Kanban is lean and agile.
Powerful reach & massive conversion
8Manage New Way Kanban help retail business to manage demand driven inventory.
Realize demand-driven inventory
8Manage New Way Kanban helps manufacturers to elimate waste in production.
Eliniate wastes in production
8Manage New Way Kanban supports the Agile Scrum methodology.
Improve R&D capabilities
8Manage New Way can help you to manage construction activities and control completion.
Manage activities & control completion
8Manage New Way Kanban can help you manage long cycle of developing new drugs.
Manage long cycle of new drug
8Manage New Way Kanban embraces effective communications in new car creation.
New Car Creation
Embrace effective communication
8Manage New Way Kanban allows your teams to capture user stories.
Requirements Capture
Use user stories
8Manage New Way Kanban helps manage projects in financial institutes.
Banking System
Fast development
8Manage New Way Kanban was designed for managing business projects.
Business PMO
Supervising business projects
8Manage New Way Kanban allows you to deal with changing requirements in new product development.
Product Development
Deal with changing requirements
8Manage New Way Kanban allows you to plan, deploy personnel, and execute corporate strategies, linking execution with vision.
Strategic PMO
Strategic planning & execution
8Manage New Way Kanban allows multiple project management.
Multi Project
Multiple project management
8Manage New Way Kanban supports DevOps.
Efficient development & operations
8Manage New Way Kanban was designed for customer service management.
Customer Service
Ensure customer satisfactory
8Manage New Way Kanban can increase your sales and customers.
Lead Management
Increase sales & customers
8Manage New Way Kanban can automate your sales processes and increase your competitiveness.
Sales Automation
Increase competitive advantage
8Manage New Way Kanban supports personalization in e-Marketing.
ToB Marketing
1 on 1 marketing
8Manage New Way Kanban provides you workflows and visibility for e-Tendering.
Equipment Tender
Transparent & fair
8Manage New Way Kanban allows you to do effective outsourcing.
Increase effectiveness
8Manage New Way Kanban can help you to gain control and reduce risk in your source-to-procure activities.
Source To Procure
Increase control & reduce risk
8Manage New Way Kanban can be used for management of projects of various types such as social responsibility projects.
Social Responsibility
Increase participation
Use 8Manage New Way Kanban for recruitment
Find the best candiate
8Manage New Way Kanban helps you to plan and deliver training.
Plan and delivery training activities

Visualization increases accountability, transparency, and collaboration across teams

Streamline management. Boost productivity. Grow confidently.
All from 8Manage
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