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Criteria to Be Used in Choosing the Needed Project Management Tool

Managing a project can be simple if its level of complexity is never beyond its project manager’s or team’s experience level and memory capacity to see through the cause-and-effect relationships when an event in the project occurs. But the problem is that the level of complexity of almost any non-trivial project can be easily beyond the limitation of its project manager or team. It is just some people don’t understand how to quantify the level of complexity of their project and result in not using the right criteria in choosing the project management tool that can compensate their shortcomings.  

8Manage PPM project management tool

Providing the right team with the right information

Besides that a project manager must know how to select the right team and motivate them, the most important thing of managing a project is to get the project information right.  On the contrary, if the project information can mislead everyone in the project, even though the project has an experienced project manager and qualified and disciplined team members, they are at best good fire-fighters since they can’t prevent problems or solve problems when they are still small because of their lacking of proper information.  In other words, even a good project team needs good project information in order to act effectively.  

Selecting a project management tool that can compensate the project manager’s or team’s experience level and memory capacity is 90% of the importance. Other things such as below are worthwhile to pay attention but are 10% of the importance:

1. Ease of Use
2. Scheduling Tools
3. Task Management
4. Ability to Share Externally
5. Real-Time Reporting
6. Dashboards and Graphical Reports
7. Security
8. Professional Interface
9. Customizable

Protecting project data integrity to keep people honest

Keeping people honest and protecting project data integrity walk hand-in-hand. 

Why do many projects suddenly change from 90% completion to 80%, 70%, 60% or even 50% without any requirement changes? The reason is that there is a problem with the integrity of the project data, and the official data does not reflect the actual situation.Project data integrity problems affect people’s honesty and work ethics and managers’ ability to manage people’s accountability. Results are huge wastes and losses.   


When project managers or teams are choosing their project management tool, they must give weight to the following:
- Providing the right team with the right information
- Project data integrity protection

Therefore, the 8Manage PPM project management tool that can accomplish these two points is a trustworthy choice. It implements dynamic business management, synchronizes project planning and execution in real time, tracks all static and dynamic information of the project, and exerts its best project management capabilities with true, accurate and real-time complete data. Try for free Now: http://www.8manage.com/product/productinfo.html
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