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8Manage: Why SMB should use SaaS Tools?

When Small businesses manage their group, they always use affordable and powerful SaaS tools for project management, eProcurement, eSourcing, CRM, collaboration, marketing automation, productivity tools, etc. These tools can significantly increase operational efficiency and sales productivity, two critical factors for growth.

8Manage SaaS Full Automation Suite

8Manage SaaS Full Automation Suite

SaaS such as 8Manage SaaS provides the following benefits to SMB:

1. Two steps value proposition: SaaS provides the initial value proposition to the end user and a longer term value proposition to a manager/decision maker.

2. Free trials help you to qualify products: SaaS free trials allow auto matching of products and users. This process is highly efficient since there is no sales pitch in between.

3. Affordable: SaaS is sold on a subscription basis that includes upgrades, maintenance, system administration and customer support and hence there are no large up-front costs.

4. Quick to deploy: All you need is a web browser and internet access, and you’re ready to go. You don’t need to worry about things such as hardware and software purchase, installation, configuration and testing.

5. No need for infrastructure: The complex IT infrastructure is all handled by your SaaS provider. 

6. Seamless updates and upgrades: Your SaaS provider will manage software updates and upgrades for you, eliminating the need to download and install patches and new releases. 

7. Guaranteed levels of service: With most traditional software, you are not given a guarantee on how well it will perform, with SaaS you are. 

8. Backups and data recovery all done for you: You don’t need to worry about daily partial backups and monthly full backups.

9. Work anywhere: You and the users that you authorize will be able to access the SaaS anywhere in the world. 

10. Security: 8Manage SaaS will manage information security for you. In many instances, an organization’s business information is more secure in a SaaS than in traditional software. 

11. High adoption rates: All you need is half to one day training to adopt to a new SaaS as employees tend to be used to working on the internet.

Want to know more about 8Manage SaaS? Now you can try 8Manage SaaS for free!

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