Broad and In-depth Enterprise Management Functionality
Use broad and in-depth enterprise management functionality to avoid sloppiness
and corruption problems and increase your organization and business competitiveness.
If you think the most important reason for using enterprise management software is the cost-saving due to the automation that it provides, you can easily miss the competitiveness aspect of using enterprise management software. In fact, the most important benefit of using enterprise management software is to increase the competitiveness of your business. The data integrity of your enterprise management software can allow you to manage people's accountability and keep people honest. Weak data integrity protection nourishes sloppy and corrupt behaviors and weakens your judgment and management capabilities, which in turn tremendously affect the competitiveness of your business.
If the advancement of human psychology reached today's level when enterprise software provider SAP created ERP in 1972, I believe that electronic Kanban technology has already been adopted, ERP would not be so difficult to learn and hard to use. But we must also understand that breadth and depth of enterprise management functionality like what SAP created are also one of the conditions that enterprise management software must have, because modern enterprise management software must have a high coverage of business processes and completeness of data in addition to being highly visible and easy to learn and use. Otherwise, bad behaviors will be protected by fragmented data and incomplete data, which is equivalent to encouraging people to be irresponsible, even dishonest, and punishing responsible and honest people instead.
AI machine learning for enterprise management also requires broad and in-depth enterprise management functionality to provide behavioral data for machine learning continuously.