Modernize all aspects
of human management
8Manage HCM manages recruitment, payroll, benefits, reporting, etc. all in one system.

Trusted by 1,000,000+ people worldwide


Make it easier to source talent, assess skills, onboard new hires,
manage employee strengths and recognize and reward top performers.
Skill planning & sourcing
8Manage HCM provides talent acquisition features.
Onboarding, training & engagement
8Manage HCM support employee nnboarding, training and engagement.
feedback & recognition
8Manage HCM supports employee performance feedback and recognition.
Advancement & succession
8Manage HCM supports employee advancement and succession.

Core Competence

Enable your organization to deliver unique value to customers
recognition & inventory
8Manage HCM supports employee skill recognition and inventory.
8Manage HCM supports skill built-up practices.
8Manage HCM suppports skill and result measure.


Ensuring each employee remain committed to her quality goals
8Manage HCM allows employees to foster self-respect.
goals & challenges
8Manage HCM helps employees to understand goals and challenges.
& dedication
8Manage HCM can enhance employees' loyalty and dedication.

HCM Analytics

Increasing competitiveness by improving talent management
8Manage HCM can increase the competitiveness of your business by improving talent management.

Mobile HCM

Deliver a modern experience and boost productivity with mobile HCM
8Manage HCM delivers a modern experience and boosts productivity for your organization.
8Manage HCM delivers a modern experience and boosts productivity for your organization. 8Manage HCM delivers a modern experience and boosts productivity for your organization. 8Manage HCM delivers a modern experience and boosts productivity for your organization. 8Manage HCM delivers a modern experience and boosts productivity for your organization.
What our customers are saying
8Manage enables companies of all sizes and across every industry make better business decisions
and achieve their business goals on our platform.
8Manage HCM frees administrative staff from tedious work.
8Manage HCM frees administrative staff from tedious administrative routines.

Guangdong Huaxing Bank

8Manage helps breakdown the digital barriers of the enterprise.
8Manage HR digitizes employee records, automates payroll, and supports bilingual needs, satisfying our diverse staff.

Quality Synthetic Rubber Inc.

8Manage helps breakdown the digital barriers of the enterprise.
8Manage HCM covers all HR aspects, flexible with minimal customization, meeting our current and future HR needs.

Internet Harbour

Recruit and retain talent

Streamline management. Boost productivity. Grow confidently.
All from 8Manage
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