Produce a better IT
experience for everyone
8Manage Sevice streamlines IT operations,responds quickly to changes and services smarter.

Trusted by 1,000,000+ people worldwide

Incident & Problem

Addressing and preventing incidents
8Manage Service Management supports incident management.
root causes
8Manage Service Management allows you to fix root causes.

Change & Configuration

Change process and product specification
for changes
8Manage Service Management supports change management.
8Manage HCM supports configuration management.

IT Asset & Catalog

IT resources & offerings
Integral components
in the IT environment
8Manage Service Management provides IT resource management.
Defining features of a service
8Manage Service Management provides service catalog facility.

Service Analytics

Increasing competitiveness by improving service quality
8Manage Service Management allows you to increase competitiveness by improving service quality

Mobile service

Mobiles can help employees to: improve customer service. remain in contact with the office, customers and suppliers
8Manage Service Management provides mobile apps to help your employees to improve customer service. remain in contact with the office, customers and suppliers
8Manage Service Management provides mobile apps to help your employees to improve customer service. remain in contact with the office, customers and suppliers 8Manage Service Management provides mobile apps to help your employees to improve customer service. remain in contact with the office, customers and suppliers
What our customers are saying
8Manage enables companies of all sizes and across every industry make better business decisions
and achieve their business goals on our platform.
By automating and streamlining IT-related processes, 8Manage helps to increase productivity.


8Manage helps breakdown the digital barriers of the enterprise.
8Manage has helped us improve efficiency by processing service requests directly and executing them as agreed.

Fujitsu HK

8Manage helps breakdown the digital barriers of the enterprise.
8Manage helps i-Sprint automate marketing, sales and customer service to deliver better service at lower cost.


Services help build long-term with customers

Streamline management. Boost productivity. Grow confidently.
All from 8Manage
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