The ideal tool for busy office workflows
8Manage OA automates multiple aspects of your business to save time and money.

Trusted by 1,000,000+ people worldwide

e-Form & e-Flow

Universal access to enterprise resources
forms & flows
8Manage Office Automation (OA) allows you to define e-Form and e-Flow.
flow & access
8Manage Office Automation (OA) allows you to control workflows and accesses.
8Manage Office Automation (OA) provides Enterprise Portal.

No Code

Powerful reach and massive conversion
Drag & drop
8Manage Office Automation (OA) provides your teams drag-and-drop interface for defining e-Form and e-Flow.
8Manage Office Automation (OA) provides your teams declarative tools to define e-Form and e-Flow.
dashboard & report generation
8Manage Office Automation (OA) provides tools to your teams to generate dashboards and reports.

Analytical Reports

Automatically generating analytical reports based on quantitative and qualitative data
8Manage Office Automation (OA) can automatically generating analytical reports based on quantitative and qualitative data.

Mobile Office

Mobile office offers a variety of benefits, from the cost savings to the convenience that can help your business succeed.
8Manage Office Automation (OA)'s Mobile office offers a variety of benefits, from the cost savings to the convenience that can help your business succeed.
8Manage Office Automation (OA)'s Mobile office offers a variety of benefits, from the cost savings to the convenience that can help your business succeed. 8Manage Office Automation (OA)'s Mobile office offers a variety of benefits, from the cost savings to the convenience that can help your business succeed. 8Manage Office Automation (OA)'s Mobile office offers a variety of benefits, from the cost savings to the convenience that can help your business succeed.
What our customers are saying
8Manage enables companies of all sizes and across every industry make better business decisions
and achieve their business goals on our platform.
8Manage Office Automation (OA) is connected not only to your office but also your business.
8Manage OA is not just for office needs, but is more connected to real business.


8Manage helps breakdown the digital barriers of the enterprise.
8Manage OA streamlines project processes with custom forms and approvals, focusing our teams on core business.


8Manage helps breakdown the digital barriers of the enterprise.
8Manage OA integrates business processes, from market development to after-sales, boosting operational efficiency.

L& A Design

Business process improvement and reduce time and cost

Streamline management. Boost productivity. Grow confidently.
All from 8Manage
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