provides project features, business features, service features and tools for your project works. project features include integrity management, requirements management, planning & execution, resource management, effort (timesheet) management, deliverable & milestone, test cases & quality control, issue & risk management, communication management, change request and report center. All these features were designed to function together in an integrated manner. Their relationships are shown as follows:
Integrity management is the biggest distinction of PPM from other PPM products. PPM maintains the single source of truth (SSOT) data in its database by enforcing the 4-eyes principle, baselining information and keeping track of versions and automating audit trail. All screens and reports are generated in real-time (zero delay) based on its SSOT data so that everyone is viewing information (based on privileges) from the same and latest SSOT. This is a vast difference from the systems that generate screens and reports based on the user-editable MPP files with multiple versions.