Campaign Management

8Manage CRM provides marketing campaign functionality for large corporations and SMEs.

Corporate buyer behaviors are very different from consumer behaviors. Senior decision makers in large corporations are busy and generally don't spend much of her time searching for things online or using social media as much as typical consumers do. They don’t go out to networking events like smaller businesses do. And their emails and calls are usually screened by their assistants.

Market To Corporate Clients Via Referrals

8Manage CRM allows you to marketing to corporate clients via referrals.

Corporate decision makers most likely will most unlikely take cold calls or email, but they will pay attention if you have been recommended by someone they know. Your best approach is to make sure you're connected on WeChat to your best contacts (e.g., clients, partners, vendors) who you are confident would recommend you and to then look at their contact base or use the WeChat search to find people who you would like introductions to. You can then reach out to your contacts to ask for an introduction and provide them a write-up on a key topic rather than just meeting to talk about working together.

8Manage CRM provides you the repository for keeping the detailed information of the contact persons of your clients, partners and vendors who can possibly make referrals for you. 8Manage CRM also tracks your clients’ clients, contractors and suppliers so that you can find the appropriate person for the referral easier.

Market To Corporate Via Seminars/Webinars

8Manage CRM provides you management features to market to corporate clients via seminars/webinars.

Nothing gives you a better opportunity to prove your capabilities than to make a presentation in front of an audience of potential clients. If you are targeting large corporations, you will have to work to find out which events their senior decision makers attend. It is far more likely to be a high-end industry conference or webinar than it is to be a local chamber event. But once you know, you can work towards getting on the agenda, delivering value through your presentation, and following up with those that “raise their hands” to show interest.

Seminars in conferences or webinars in e-conference is one special form of event marketing. 8Manage CRM provides you the planning and activity management capabilities for event marketing and results tracking.

Market To Corporate Clients Via Personalized e-DM

8Manage allows you to market to corporate clients via personalized via eDM.

Most corporate decision makers read email and a carefully personalized email with the subject that would catch the eyes of corporate decision makers is still a useful approach. 8Manage CRM supports email/mobile marketing. It provides the easy-to-use drag-and-drop content editor to help you create contents. With its built-in testing and sending capabilities, you can select the right contents for your target potential customers and set up the appropriate batches and time for sending. And CRM will keep tabs on every eDM campaign in real-time to generate the graphical analysis reports. In addition, it is able to detect the unsubscribers and automatically filter them out from the sending lists for the future.

 CRM personalized e-DM functionality is summarized as follows:

  • Powerful tools for creating, engaging and marketing contents
  • Bulk-import of recipients or choose the existing recipients in bulk
  • Real-time tracking of sending results and transactional messages
  • Providing graphical reports for analysis
  • Built-in testing capabilities and unsubscribing mechanism
  • Auto filtering out of unsubscribers

Marketing Results Management

8Manage CRM provides you features to manage marketing campaign results.

8Manage CRM provides you a single view of all your marketing campaigns so that you see the whole picture of your marketing efforts and their progress. All the information is a zero-delay and automatically aggregated, consistent and holistic representation of the data according to the preset conditions. You can use the following features and leverage the agile and comprehensive information to identify or create business opportunities and make wiser decisions:

  • Tracking cost and results of marketing campaigns
  • Monitoring of the delivery situation of every sending out message
  • Tracking the progress and results of marketing activities
  • Providing marketing performance reports for analysis
  • Providing exclusive and real-time marketing map

Managing Marketing ROI

8Manage CRM provides you features to track and calculate the ROI of every marketing campaign in real-time, and provide you a dynamic deviation analysis of the budget and actual cost.

Every marketer knows that ROI is the touchstone of marketing performance. 8Manage CRM provides you the following features to track and calculate the ROI of every marketing campaign in real-time, and provide you a dynamic deviation analysis of the budget and actual cost. With the business map, you can drill down to get the cost detail information and results of each campaign:

  • Analysis of budget and actual cost
  • Measuring the performance of each marketing campaign
  • Tracking and calculating the actual cost and return of investment
  • A complete picture of marketing performance with drill-down details

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All from 8Manage
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