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How to protect your business during the coronavirus outbreak


You’ve probably noticed that the coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19, is making its way and already caused many company shut-downs across the globe. 

How can you prevent the total shut-down of your company during coronavirus outbreak?  Even after the tragedy is over, you will still need to answer how you can ensure business continuity in the future. 

8Manage SaaS:How to protect your business during and after the coronavirus outbreak

Living in the digital era, we all know that getting our full business online is right thing to do. But, many of us kept postponing it, similar to we kept postponing doing exercise until our doctor seriously warned us to do so.  Now the coming of the coronavirus outbreak has the same effect as our doctor’s serious warning and we know that we can’t postpone it anymore.

8Manage: Enterprise full automation SaaS

Fortunately, with the advancement in SaaS technology and product offerings, small to medium size business (SMB) can find enterprise full automation SaaS (e.g., 8Manage Full Automation) which allows the SMB to move all its business and operations on cloud rather quickly.  The enterprise full automation SaaS has the following characteristics:

● It consists of CRM, Commerce, eProcurement, Project Mgt., Service Mgt. HCM, eDMS and Office Automation application module SaaS which can also be purchased individually.  

● These application modules must be designed to work together from day one and therefore no enterprise application integration (EAI) is needed.  Otherwise, EAI can be both time-consuming and expensive and not suitable for SMB.

● These application modules must be designed to support multiparty business-straight-thru so that not only all the employees of the company are online but also all the clients, suppliers, channels, outsourcers and logistics partners of the company are also online. 

● These application modules must use the same database schema and share the same database and system resources during run time.  Otherwise, their system resources consumption during run-time would be high and they can’t acquired in an economical and affordable manner.

● These application modules must use the same technology stacks (e.g., Java J2EE) so that their maintenance support cost won’t be unnecessarily high

Why enterprise full automation SaaS can be economical

For the SaaS vendor who has individual module SaaS and full automation SaaS, the pre-sales cost of selling one individual module and selling an eight-module-suite is pretty much the same (not 8 times).  The IaaS and PaaS cost for running an individual module SaaS and running an eight-module-suite together is pretty much the same (not 8 times).  The only major cost difference is the application support (supporting 8 application modules vs. 1 application module).  But the number of users using 8 application modules in general would be higher than the number of users using 1 application module and the vendor can generate more income from the subscription fees of the additional users. Therefore, enterprise full automation can be win-win for both the SMB and the SaaS vendor, even the SMB is paying only 2.5 times (not 8 times) of a single application module SaaS price to get the enterprise full automation suite.

Want to know more about Enterprise full automation SaaS? Now you can try 8Manage SaaS for free!

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