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8Manage SaaS: Coronavirus Boosts Enterprise Automation


Global consulting firms such as Booz Allen and McKinsey & Company have been urging enterprises to do digital transformation for efficiency and competitiveness reasons.  Here comes coronavirus and we can add the benefits of healthiness and avoidance of company shut-down to the list.

8Manage SaaS: Coronavirus Boosts Enterprise Automation

Small and Medium-size Businesses (SMB) are suffering from coronavirus disease to avoid coronavirus transmission and company shut-down, not only employees in your department need to be online, employees in all other departments in your company need to be online.  In addition, the following external partners that your company deal with also need to be online:

-Potential clients (e.g., visitors, members, leads), 
-Potential suppliers/vendors/contractors (e.g., under recruitment or pre-qualified)
-Channels (e.g., agencies, resellers, distributors)
-Potential Channels

The new business processes will need to flow through multiple departments internally and multiple partner organizations externally since the objective is to have the business information fully digitalized and the business processes fully automated so that people can understand each other and work efficiently without the need for physical meetings (high communication bandwidth) but use remote meetings (lower communication bandwidth) instead.  

Using the following example to illustrate: A company signed a sales contract to deliver products and services a month ago and it already started the product procurement and the delivery project, the client is now requesting to change the product quantity and project delivery schedule, which implies the sales contract, the procurement contract and the delivery project need to be changed and the business process will need to flow through at least the company’s sales , procurement, project, finance and legal departments internally and its client and supplier’s organizations externally. 

Full automation such as above typically was done by large corporations spending money on Enterprise Application Integration (EAI).  But Small and Medium-size Businesses (SMB) need full digitization and automation as well to avoid coronavirus and company shut-down. Can SMB acquire several different SaaS and do EAI themselves?  The answer is unlikely since EAI is expensive and even SMB are willing to pay the high cost, they might not have the IT sophistication to manage the high accidental (not essential) complexity of fragmented SaaS.

We can help: 8Manage SaaS has the CRM, Commerce, Procurement, Office Automation, Timesheet, Human Capital Mgt., Project Mgt. and Service Mgt modules and we have been selling them individually:

8Manage automation system

Since all 8Manage SaaS modules were designed to work together by the same team based on the same architecture and technology stack, they can run on the same addressing space efficiently and business processes can flow through them. the user can easily manage the editing, approval and publishing of information and obtain assessment and feedback from the people in real-time. 8Manage full automation system allows everyone to deal with business communications effectively at anytime and anywhere. 

After the negative influence of coronavirus, we now offer Full Automation Suite (FAS) as one single offering at the price is only 2.5 times as a single-module’s price so that SMB can achieve full digitalization and automation in an effective and inexpensive manner to avoid coronavirus and company shut-down. 8Manage automation system allows you to set up end-to-end business processes to manage magnitude of clients, channels, suppliers, projects, procurements, products, services, human resources, assets and financials. It provides you the powerful full automation solutions of your business and operations. Try for free Now!

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