The Next Generation ERP Seminar in HKUST
Stephen gave the Next Generation ERP seminar at HKUST on 2012.10.6 for the combined Master of Science students and MBA students in the HKUST Business School. The seminar was well attended by over 70 graduate students and professors. Stephen started the seminar by explaining how the following have been affecting the modern ERP:
—Explosive growth of the use of CRM from 1993 to 2003
—Shifting from manufacturing economy to more and more knowledge work and profit economy
—Higher collaboration among internal groups and external parties (e.g., clients, partners and suppliers) using the web
—The need for real-time decision support for business and operation
—The need for improving the ERP implementation risk, cost and time
After the description and explanation of the high level trends, Stephen brought the audience into deeper understanding of the following:
—Can a new ERP product be developed rapidly?
—How technology has been affecting ERP?
—What is a project-based ERP?
— Additional modern features
Stephen used industrial examples to illustrate each of his above points so that the audience can internalize the issues better. At the tail end of the seminar, Stephen gave a live demo on how to use an advanced ERP (8thManage) to manage advanced manufacturing, gigantic knowledge work program, complex client and supplier collaboration. Stephen’s demo was followed by Q&A from the audience.
After the seminar, Stephen received very positive verbal feedback from Ronald and Kai-Lung, the HKUST professors. And the students continued discussing the issues Stephen mentioned on the next generation of ERP in class later that day and they really appreciated Stephen insights and industry knowledge on the subject.
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Project & Portfolio Management Seminar
HKCS Project Management Seminar