All-in-one is a project-based ERP designed to meet the needs of project-based businesses, helping them to identify, win, optimize and deliver successful projects time and time again.
All-in-one provides a holistic view into processes, KPIs and other important metrics, project by project. By managing many functions in a single system,
All-in-one gathers and analyzes data, giving stakeholders the critical business information they need to operate and manage their individual business units in a just-in-time manner.
End-result vs. Work-in-progress (WIP) Focus
Traditional ERP systems focus on the end result of business processes. For example, in a manufacturing plant, a traditional ERP would show end-stage reports for the overall manufacturing process. Therefore, it tracks and generates reports after the facts.
All-in-one is designed for end-to-end work-in-progress (WIP) transparency of your business projects. It digs deeper into the minute details of the production like labor, inventory, and milestones. This provides a more complete view of individual projects and processes. The work-in-progress (WIP) information provided by
All-in-one can shine a spotlight on your business processes so you can see exactly where your business and operations need improvement.
Double-entry vs. Single-entry Accounting
Traditional ERP systems use double-entry accounting (invented in the 15 century when computers did not exist) for financial accounting purposes and by nature they must heavily depend on manual debit-and-credit inputs and are impossible to provide WIP information in real-time. All-in-one uses single-entry accounting for management accounting purposes and offers WIP information on real-time demand. In other words, traditional ERP systems provide an accounting snapshot on the end results of your business processes while
All-in-one digs deeper and provides accounting information while you are progressing with your business and operations.
Business Values
Project-based organizations such as architecture & engineering (A&E) firms, government contractors, consulting firms, construction companies, marketing agencies and accounting firms have distinct requirements, and they need to view their business in three dimensions: accounts, organizations (departments or business units), and projects.
Unfortunately, traditional ERP software cannot incorporate those dimensions unless it is customized to operate from a project-oriented point of view, which increases the total cost of ownership and takes much longer to implement. Not only that—customization is risky and often does not work well. In reality, most businesses using traditional ERP would track project details in a separate tool or spreadsheet.
All-in-one is a project ERP and was designed for project-centric organizations, so it does not require customization. That makes it less expensive and faster to implement than traditional ERP, and it eliminates risks that come with customization. By tying every transaction to an account, an organization and a project, project ERP makes it possible to produce accurate and timely insights that are essential to any business, including financial reports, invoices, and payroll and project status reports.
Key Features
All-in-one provides the following key features. Most of them help maximize productivity and revenue.
Accounting provides reporting on project costs, revenues, profits and operations. You can quickly determine if a project is under-resourced, over budget or at risk in other ways.
For complex companies with a variety of offerings, the ability to break down finances based on a project or an organization in real-time can be a lifesaver. You can more easily identify which projects or organizations are cost-effective and where you are losing money.
All this information is automatically compiled, so you do not have to perform detective work and maintain separate spreadsheets after the fact.
Project management centralizes and integrates multiple processes. It can foster team communication, manage deadlines, give the order in which activities need to be accomplished, and show other concurrent activities that need to be completed.
Its screens communicate timelines vis-à-vis available resources, overlapping projects and milestones. They reveal budgets and resources to perform activities and other activities they will complete concurrently. Tools manage time and expense entry, invoicing, billing, proposals and contracts to optimize the AR process by accommodating clients varying billing requirements.
Business Intelligence (BI) turns a data-rich, knowledge-poor organization into a knowledge-rich organization by extracting information from data in multiple systems and converting it to actionable information. All-in-one is a one-stop shop for assessing results by project, department, account, customer, organization, vendor, and so forth. Each ERP dashboard is tied to a KPI or metric such as revenue, profit, backlog, labor utilization, proposal win rate, cash flow, days of sales outstanding or projects at risk.
Customer relationship management (CRM) helps manage, track, and forecast opportunities. Users create campaigns and track the progress of prospects and clients through the sales cycle. Identifying weak links in the sales cycle and the kinds of clients who tend to return is invaluable in planning future projects. Proposal automation streamlines the process of pursuing and winning projects to take cost out of the sales process and enhance proposal quality.
Automated compliance rules flow to the project, taking the guesswork out of compliance. Rules can be enforced upfront, so violations are caught before reconciliation or audit. All-in-one built for compliance-heavy industries, such as government contracting, greatly reduce the risk of non-compliance and make it easy for auditors to assess and validate compliance.
Supply management provides a single channel where you and business partners collaborate, analyze and forecast based on a holistic understanding of product lifecycles, inventory and equipment location tracking.
e-Procurementallows you to purchase and track materials from planning to approval, purchase, shipment and receiving. When purchasing is part of your project system, you do not need to enter POs in separate systems or reconcile them to the project system.
Supply chain management fosters communication between suppliers and business partners, and barcodes and RFID scanners help to manage inventory and equipment at each stage of production.
The information is compiled at the end for an easy-to-read snapshot of the entire supply chain. It is easily available to any user with a login to help prevent information loss or miscommunication throughout your organization.
Project-based manufacturing allows you to link shop floor activities with financial management, accounting, compliance and project management at detailed levels. Manufacturing tools provide instructions for complex product assembly or maintenance, repair and overhaul. They also collect important information like start and stop times for operations and quality inspection results. Project status and cost information is fed from the shop floor into All-in-one.
Multi-project management can provide a more in-depth look into business processes. They are best utilized in project-based businesses that have several sub-projects going on at once, such as:
For example, a large construction company that works on multiple projects simultaneously, would be a perfect candidate for multi-project management using All-in-one. They could track and manage the minute details of each project individually to more efficiently allocate their resources.
All-in-one helps project-based business to maximize your productivity and revenue. When corporate information and project financials are tied together, you get the greatest return for your enterprise software investment, with unparalleled visibility and control of your business throughout every project. That enables decisions based on real-time information instead of managing through a rearview mirror.
All-in-one also helps businesses be more successful by streamlining business development and talent recruitment, optimizing utilization and unearthing problem areas and opportunities.