Special News

China Mobile Zhuhai Launch 8Manage PM


January 4, 2008 marked the official introduction of the 8Manage Project Management Platform in China Mobile Zhuhai. A special 2 hour introduction ceremony was held at the China Mobile facility in Zhuha. Five executives from WisageTech and over 80 employees from China Mobile Zhuhai participated in the ceremony, including China Mobile Zhuhais General Manager, Mr. Xiong Yong, department managers of all sectors and certified Project Management Professionals (PMPs).

The opening speech was given by the Vice Manager of General Affairs of China Mobile Zhuhai, Ms Zhou Jianhong. At the request of the PMPs of China Mobile Zhuhai, Stephen Law, Founder and CEO of WisageTech, introduced the 8thManage concepts and explained the differences between PMBOK/CMMI and Agile. The consulting team from WisageTech introduced its team members and presented their consultation approach. In conclusion, General Manager of Zhuhai Mobile, Mr. Xiong Yong, made a remarkable motivational speech to encourage his employees to learn and practice PM skills.

The leaders of China Mobile Zhuhai have been encouraging their employees to improve their project management skills. The company now has close to 100 certified PMPs but needs a project management platform to assist with complex project executions. Due to its advanced features and easiness of use, 8Manage, a project management product released by WisageTech, has been selected by China Mobile Zhuhai.

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